Rise Above Limits

Many times we feel stressed about work, school, and even other activities that bombard our schedules. However, despite all those things that stresses us out, there is a higher calling for each and everyone of us. No one was born to be a spectator at life’s game. We are all here to contribute something positively to the development of our respective nations. The devil is the real enemy that comes to steal, kill and destroy our lives.

Many times we fight with the wrong people. For instance, we fight with our spouse, or boyfriend, girlfriend, our co-workers and even our parents.

They are not our enemies. The real capital E enemy is the devil. Fighting the battle the right way (spiritually) helps us to put the battle to God’s hands and claim our victory.

For as David said before beating Goliath, “The battle is the LORD’s, the victory is mine.

Claim your victory in Jesus name. You are not your past. You are what you can be in the Future.

Rise Above the Limits.

Stay blessed.

By Glen Burua